
In the past few days all out war, together with its atrocities has broken out between the Palestinian's Hamas, and Israel.  So sad, but war between the tribes, my tribe, your tribe, all tribes, has been going on for, it seems, all of recorded time, and no doubt before there was anything called time. Some would believe that solutions exist to allow for peace, "in our time", but time and time again, given time, peace of a sort weakened, and war became the for some the solution, with the death of innocents considered collateral damage.....and for what?  


There can never be peace

if we encourage war.

Providing guns and ammunition, 

things that kill,

may seem the right thing to do, but  

peace was never won by pointing the gun….

Peace if there’s ever to be

needs respectful dialogue, 

not just what’s good for me, but 

dialogue that helps to see the reason to allow, 

what’s to be.

There are no winners in war , 

nor lasting peace, just grievous loss,

and suffering, the source 

forever more.

War is fought by those that are young, 

generations lost to please superiors 

safe far from the action, directing distraction 

from everyday actions.

Wars, never ending…..it seems….. 

No solution in sight.  


The world is aflame,

Wars everywhere; 

Distrust on the rise. 

Once life was wonderful, now,

Although still willing to give life a chance,

I’m nolonger frighten if Death comes to dance, and

Takes me away from hell here on Earth, to somewhere,

Somewhere, that can’t be much worse.

What’s happened to humanity, thought above all?

Have we gone crazy, or is it just me, and

What we’re experiencing is no better,

No worse, than before, and before.

So what is the answer, an end to it all?

Perhaps Dante’s Circles Of Hell 

Not fiction, a warning for all, 

That hell is quite real, a tell-all

To bring order to chaos , 

Not just a scheme.

Of course, there’s no way of knowing

What’s real and what’s not, until we accept

What seems our lot, a place in nowhere,

Or somewhere in Hell.


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