At the moment, as it directly affects persons with relatives in Israel/Gaza, the Ukraine/Russia, and also affects world trade, our pocket books, we focus without regard to what’s happening in the Sudan, Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, the Congo, Ethiopia, Yemen, Haiti,  in South America, and so on, and on. It might be said, that even here in North America there are rumblings.

It used to be with a world with a smaller population there was space between countries, enough to simply view these wars as curiosities. However with population growth and migration, the problems of others are more closely seen and the suffering is felt.

Key to the problem, and perhaps indirectly our problem as well, is overpopulation. In my/your lifetime the world’s population has increased two fold, perhaps more, with the warnings that support for continuing growth has its limit being ignored. Those that support continuing growth wrongly believe that a miracle will take place, and that we will be able to support continued growth. Some wrongly believe that we will be able to find the answer in the void. Truth is humanity is stuck here, and if there is hope for humanity as a species, then war is essential to check growth. Larger and more destructive wars, with nature’s support (eco disasters), is its only hope. Extreme, but how else do you punish a child when gentle persuasion fails?

Extreme, yes, but when the scientific community recommends leaving Earth as the only means to preserving humanity, establishing colonies throughout our galaxy, then there must be some logic behind this way of thinking. Perhaps, they’re right, and it’s already too late for our species, one that while staring ecological disaster in the face will do nothing but continue to ravage its resources …..and collect the dividends…… Reminds me of a friend with whom, years ago, when playing poker, refused to quit until he had lost everything.

As I reflect on my childhood, and the first time that I observed with a child’s microscope, life in a drop of water, I cannot believe how stupid and destructive our species has been, taking a possible paradise down the road to complete disaster.

The children of the future may adjust to what’s about to take place, but will they believe what used to be, and accept their parents’ actions?


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