World At Our Feet

I spent some time the other day 

pondering about this and that. I watched 

as an ant struggled to drag home 

meat for the table, carrion for dinner, 

a fallen bug. I wondered, if ants wonder. 

I wondered, the world beneath our feet, 

a world no doubt unique. We humans who 

learned to stand tall spend, most of the time 

with our heads craned up, wondering our future 

high up in the stars. Gravity, it seems, 

lets us forget the world, our time, in the mud. 

a world never ending beyond the atoms, a never ending 

world with constellations beneath our feet. Perhaps, if we 

took the time to really take a peek, open our minds, 

we might find that life as we believe is not 

as we know it, but only the beginning, of a circle 

that begins, and ends at our feet.


This evening, September 1st, 2023, I watched as ants, at dusk, celebrated their nuptial flights. Held, when the sun setting would be in their predators eyes, drones and new queens took flight. Queens once mated descend, bite off their wings, then find a suitable place to start a new colony. The males, drones, their purpose achieved, die.

 Amazing creatures, ants, been around for a hundred million years, create colonies and have structured societies.....and we humans think that we're so smart. Only a couple of hundred thousand years since we humans stood up and communicated with grunts, soon to be relegated to the dustbin of earth's history if we don't shape up and address our greed, a recipe for extinction.

On the plus side, the ants will still be around long after we've departed, and will no doubt during the long cold nights, tell stories of species long gone that thought they're were so smart, smarter than the ants. A remark greeted with laughter......


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