Global Warming: Earth's Winters

Apologies, I get on to a subject and sometimes  write about it, until It becomes quite obvious that there's no more to be said. Global warming is one of those subjects. I am a naturalist. I've screamed to the wind for years, and years, through print and my art, trying to educate, trying to tell anyone near that we can only push Nature so far before it turns and bites you on the ass. No one listens until they actually experience the bite. Well, now we're all being bitten. Life on this planet has changed since our arrival, caused by our greed. We've plundered the earth's resources, and in doing so we altered its destiny to shape , what we thought was ours. We're in trouble. We've opened Pandora's box. The next few decades will bring change as humanity struggles to survive. I am aged. I won't be here to experience the outcome, so good luck, and thanks for the fish...

Earth’s Winters 

Earth's winters,

usually quite long, snowy and cold, 

are faced with dread by most, but 

joy for some who take pleasure 

in gliding on trails in the woods, 

or sliding down hills near their hood. 

Most, however, shake their fist at the sky

dreading each and every flurry, that's 

needed to be shovelled, 

and piled sky high.

But then, those were in the days before 

the temperature rose, and 

the forests, dry as tinder, 

began to smoulder in summer’s heat,

caught fire, and the smoke and carbon, 

from a thousand fires,

helped to change the weather.

Now, as the seasons change, 

we wait and wonder if the rains 

will change to snow, or whether 

the cold of old will be tempered,

and rain will pour from the sky,

flood the earth causing everyone 

to shake their fist and ask “why”. 

The answer, really quite simple, 

obvious to some, ignored by the many. 

In our quest for fame and fortune, we failed 

to place Nature in the equation. We failed 

to heed the advice of a man named Newton,

who once said that for every action, 

the opposite will happen. 

Nature’s balance perfectly woven 

now unravelled by our actions,

we’re faced with wondering, 

what will happen if we’ve lost the cold?


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