May, 2021, we continue to do battle with Covid-19. Vaccines have been produced and are being distributed. Will we succeed in bringing the virus to its knees, or will the battle continue....

The Best Of Times

These are the best of times, while

also being the worst of time.Technology,
thought a Godsend, while many - 
waiting for God to 
descend, or 
send a saviour, 
once again,
a wait 
time and again -
in vain, 
- for Gods
of which, 
there have been many,
there’s no proof, that
there are any.
Perhaps, technology, 

 is God

personified, and we -
fail to simply recognize God’s  presence, blinded 
by our conceit, 
afraid to acknowledge,
as we were formed. Perhaps,
in God’s image, 
we were not formed, but 
in an image that 
God formed.

 As humans fiddle, and
bide time
building intelligence, are we 
simply helping God 
to transcend time, and 
grace us with His presence?

 As we race to take our place in space, 
refine and shape a future race,
will we come face to face,
with the God, or Gods

of whom we seek……?


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