October 5, 2020

The world continues to struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientists continue to search for a vaccine. All the while persons worldwide continue to die....




Seeking solitude in the night

I yearn for sleep,

Peace in a world free from fear,

 A plague of Biblical proportion,

A threat devastating,

With no end in sight.

But, sleep evaded, and so,

I spent my wait,

As I’ve spent nights before, Writing poetry in my mind.

When I awoke in the morn,

I struggled to remember.

Words unwritten, but

They were gone,

To where,

One wonders?

Another world,

Another me? Perhaps,

One day,

I shall travel, and

Meet up with my words unwritten, 

Enjoyed I hope,

By persons never met,

Those who haunt my dreams.


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